About 2024-2025 Lottery Results
For School Year 2024-2025, 17,172 unique applicants submitted 53,165 applications to enroll in DC Public Schools. This is over 700 more unique applicants than last year, a 4% increase.
Students and families submitted applications to (1) apply to Pre-Kindergarten (PK3 or PK4) as a new student or (2) apply to grades Kindergarten to 12th grade in a citywide, selective, or out-of-boundary school. No application is needed to attend an in-boundary school in grades K to 12, to re-enroll in a current school, or to enroll in the next school in your feeder pattern.
Lottery results, across DCPS and for individual schools, are available by school and grade below.
Summary Results
- 17,172 individual students submitted 53,165 applications to DCPS schools.
- 7,228 students were matched.
- The grades with the highest number of applicants were PK3 and PK4 - which are not compulsory - and 9th grade, where DCPS offers several selective and citywide options. 3,995 individual students applied to PK3, 2,149 applied to PK4, and 3,300 applied to grade 9.
- School Year 2024-2025 lottery data for DCPS is current as of April 1, 2024. For the most current information on individual school waitlist lengths, please contact schools directly.
Results Dashboards
- Results Dashboard for SY19-20 through SY24-25 Seats
- Results Dashboard for SY18-19 Seats
- Results Dashboard for SY17-18 Seats
- Results Dashboard for SY16-17 Seats
- Results Dashboard for SY15-16 Seats
- Results Dashboard for SY14-15 Seats
Downloadable Data
- DCPS Results: MSDC lottery for SY24-25 Seats
- DCPS Results: MSDC lottery for SY23-24 Seats
- DCPS Results: MSDC lottery for SY22-23 Seats
- DCPS Results: MSDC lottery for SY21-22 Seats
- DCPS Results: MSDC lottery for SY20-21 Seats
- DCPS Results: MSDC lottery for SY19-20 Seats
- DCPS Results: MSDC lottery for SY18-19 Seats
- DCPS Results: MSDC lottery for SY17-18 Seats
- DCPS Round 1 Results: MSDC Lottery for SY16-17 Seats
- DCPS Round 1 Results: MSDC lottery for SY15-16 seats
- DCPS Round 1 Results: MSDC lottery for SY14-15 seats