
Enrollment Saturday

Thu, 03/28/2019 - 12:06 -- emerald.becker

About Enrollment Saturday
Enrollment Saturday provides an opportunity for families to complete enrollment outside of regular school hours. 2024 Enrollment Saturday is Saturday, April 27. Below is information about participating schools, hours of availability, and locations. Please contact your enrolling school for specific details and RSVP for 2024 DCPS Enrollment Saturday beginning Monday, April 8, 2024. Additionally, the DCPS Enrollment Team will be available at Central Office to collect enrollment paperwork (1200 First Street NE). 


School Name Start Time - End Time Location Address  Event Flyer
Amidon Bowen ES 9am-12pm 401 I St SW N/A
Anacostia HS 9am-12pm 1601 16th St SE N/A
Ballou HS 9am-12pm 3401 4th St SE N/A
Bard High School  9am-4pm 1351 Alabama Ave SE N/A
Barnard ES 9am-12pm 430 Decatur St NW N/A
Beers ES 9am-12pm 3600 Alabama Ave SE N/A
Benjamin Banneker HS 9am-12pm 1600 9th St NW N/A
Boone ES 9am-12pm 2200 Minnesota Ave SE N/A
Brightwood ES 9am-12pm 1300 Nicholson St NW N/A
Brookland MS 9am-12pm 1150 Michigan Ave NE N/A
Browne EC 9am-12pm 850 26th St NE N/A
Bruce-Monroe ES 9am-12pm 3560 Warder St NW N/A
Bunker Hill ES 9am-12pm 1401 Michigan Ave NE N/A
Burroughs ES 9am-12pm 1820 Monroe St NE N/A
Burrville ES 9am-3pm 801 Division Ave NE Burrville ES Flyer
C.W. Harris ES 9am-12pm 301 53rd St SE N/A
Capitol Hill Montessori  9am-12pm 215 G St NE N/A
Cardozo EC 9am-12pm 1200 Clifton St NW N/A
Central Office 9am-12pm 1200 First St NE N/A
Cleveland ES 9am-12pm 1825 8th St NW N/A
Coolidge HS 9am-3pm 6315 5th St NW N/A
Dorothy I. Height ES 9am-12pm 4300 13th St NW DIHES Flyer
Drew ES 9am-12pm 5600 Eads St NE N/A
Duke Ellington School of the Arts 9am-12pm 3500 R St NW DESA Flyer
Dunbar HS 9am-12pm 101 N St NW N/A
Eastern HS 9am-12pm 1700 East Capitol St NE Eastern HS Flyer
Eaton ES 9am-12pm 3301 Lowell St NW N/A
Eliot-Hine MS 9am-12pm 1830 Constitution Ave NE N/A
Excel Academy 9am-12pm 2501 Martin Luther King, Jr Ave SE N/A
Garfield ES 9am-12pm Ballou HS: 3401 4th St SE Garfield ES Flyer
H.D. Cooke ES 9am-12pm 2525 17th St NW N/A
H.D. Woodson HS 9am-12pm 540 55th St NE H.D. Woodson Flyer
Hardy MS 9am-12pm 1819 35th St NW N/A
Hart MS 9am-12pm Ballou HS: 3401 4th St SE N/A
Hearst MS 9am-12pm 3950 37th St NW N/A
Hendley ES 9am-1pm 425 Chesapeake St SE N/A
Houston ES 9am-12pm 1100 50th Pl NE N/A
J.O. Wilson ES 9am-12pm 660 K St NE N/A
Jackson-Reed HS 9am-2pm 3950 Chesapeake St NW N/A
Janney ES 9am-1pm 4130 Albemarle St NW N/A
Jefferson MS  9am-12pm 801 7th St SW N/A
John Lewis ES 9am-12pm 1335 Farragut St NW N/A
Johnson MS 9am-12pm 1400 Bruce Pl SE N/A
Kelly Miller MS 9am-12pm 301 49th St NE N/A
Ketcham ES 9am-12pm 1919 15th St SE N/A
Kimball ES 9am-2pm 3375 Minnesota Ave SE N/A
King ES 9am-12pm 3200 6th St SE N/A
Kramer MS 9am-12pm 1700 Q St SE N/A
Langdon ES 9am-12pm 1900 Evarts St NE N/A
Langley ES 9am-12pm 101 T Street NE N/A
LaSalle-Backus ES 9am-12pm 501 Riggs Rd NE LaSalle-Backus ES Flyer
Leckie ES 9am-1pm 4201 M.L. King Ave SW Leckie ES Flyer
Lorraine Whitlock ES  9am-12pm 1300 44th St NE N/A
Ludlow-Taylor ES 9am-12pm 659 G St NE N/A
Luke C. Moore 9am-1pm 1001 Monroe St NE N/A
MacArthur HS 9am-12pm 4530 MacArthur Blvd NW N/A
MacFarland MS 9am-12pm 4400 Iowa Ave NW N/A
Malcolm X ES @ Green 9am-12pm 1500 Mississippi Ave SE N/A
Mann ES 9am-12pm 4430 Newark St NW N/A
Marie Reed ES 9am-12pm 2201 18th St NW N/A
McKinley MS 9am-12pm 151 T St NE N/A
McKinley Tech HS 9am-12pm 151 T St NE N/A
Military Road ELC 9am-12pm 1375 Missouri Ave NW MRELC Flyer
Miner ES 9am-12pm 601 15th St NE N/A
Moten ES 9am-12pm 1565 Morris Rd SE N/A
Nalle ES 9am-12pm 219 50th St SE N/A
Noyes ES 9am-12pm 2725 10th St NE N/A
Patterson ES 9am-12pm 4399 South Capitol Terr SW N/A
Payne ES 9am-12pm 1445 C St SE N/A
Phelps HS 9am-12pm 704 26th St NE N/A
Plummer ES 9am-12pm 4601 Texas Ave SE N/A
Powell ES 9am-12pm 1350 Upshur St NW N/A
Randle Highlands ES 9am-4pm 1650 30th St SE N/A
Raymond ES 9am-12pm 915 Spring Rd NW N/A
River Terrace EC 9am-12pm 405 Anacostia Ave NE N/A
Ron Brown College Prep HS 9am-12pm 4800 Meade St NE N/A
Roosevelt HS 9am-12pm 4301 13th St NW N/A
Roosevelt STAY 9am-12pm 2001 10th St NW N/A
Ross ES 9am-12pm 1730 R St NW N/A
Savoy ES 9am-12pm 2400 Shannon Pl SE N/A
School Without Walls @ Francis-Stevens 9am-12pm 800 Euclid St NW SWW@FS Flyer
School Without Walls HS 9am-12pm 2130 G St NW N/A
School-Within-School @ Goding 9am-12pm 920 F St NE N/A
Seaton ES 9am-12pm 1503 10th St NW N/A
Simon ES 9am-12pm 401 Mississippi Ave SE N/A
Smothers ES 9am-12pm 4400 Brooks St NE N/A
Sousa MS 9am-12pm 3650 Ely Pl SE N/A
Stanton ES 9am-12pm 2701 Naylor Rd SE N/A
Stevens ELC 9am-12pm 1050 21st St NW Stevens ELC Flyer
Stoddert ES 9am-12pm 4001 Calvert St NW N/A
Stuart-Hobson MS 9am-12pm 410 E St NE N/A
Takoma ES 9am-12pm 7010 Piney Branch Rd NW N/A
Thomas ES 9am-12pm 650 Anacostia Ave NE N/A
Thomson ES 9am-12pm 1200 L St NW Thomson ES Flyer
Turner ES 9am-12pm 3264 Stanton Rd SE N/A
Tyler ES 9am-12pm 1001 G St SE N/A
Van Ness ES 9am-12pm 1150 5th St SE N/A
Walker-Jones EC 9am-12pm 1125 New Jersey Ave NW N/A
Watkins ES  9am-12pm 420 12th St SE N/A
Wheatley EC 9am-12pm 1299 Neal St NE N/A
Whittier ES 9am-12pm 6201 5th St NW Whittier ES Flyer