
Find Your In-Boundary School

Mon, 09/25/2017 - 15:40 -- emerald.becker
Two students smiling

Find Your In-Boundary School

A student’s in-boundary school is based solely on the student’s home address. Every home address has an assigned elementary, middle, and high school. All students eligible for grades K-12 have a guaranteed right to enroll in their in-boundary school. To look up SY24-25 in-boundary schools, enter a student's current address in the address field below.

Many DCPS schools are part of a feeder pattern, meaning that when a student graduates from one school they have a right to enroll at the next school in the feeder pattern. A student’s feeder pattern is based on the school the child currently attends. DCPS students who complete a transition grade (5th grade for elementary schools and 8th grade in education campuses and middle schools) may have additional school rights based on feeder patterns.

Note: On an ongoing basis, DCPS may update school boundaries and feeder patterns, grade configurations, school locations, and other details. For more information on school changes, please see All changes that impact school boundary and feeder assignments have been updated in the My School DC Lottery.

For more information on specific DCPS schools, please visit
For more information on enrolling in a DCPS school, please visit
For more information on enrollment policies, please visit .