Find Your In-Boundary School
A student's in-boundary school is based solely on the student's home address. Every home address has an assigned elementary, middle, and high school. All students eligible for grades K-12 have a guaranteed right to enroll in their in-boundary school. To look up SY24-25 and SY25-26 in-boundary schools, enter a student's current address in the address field below.
Many DCPS schools are part of a feeder pattern, meaning that when a student graduates from one school they have a right to enroll at the next school in the feeder pattern. A student's feeder pattern is based on the school the child currently attends. DCPS students who complete a transition grade (5th grade for elementary schools and 8th grade in education campuses and middle schools) may have additional school rights based on feeder patterns.
Note: On an ongoing basis, DCPS may update school boundaries and feeder patterns, grade configurations, school locations, and other details. For more information on school changes, please see https://dcps.dc.gov/page/school-planning. All changes that impact school boundary and feeder assignments have been updated in the My School DC Lottery.
For more information on specific DCPS schools, please visit http://profiles.dcps.dc.gov
PLEASE NOTE: For families whose assigned in-boundary elementary school for SY2025-2026 is Cleveland ES, Garrison ES, or Seaton ES, middle school rights differ by grade. Students enrolling in 6th grade in SY2025-2026 will have an in-boundary right to John Francis EC. Students enrolling in 7th grade in SY2025-2026 will have an in-boundary right to Cardozo EC.