
Contact Your School

Tue, 03/30/2021 - 10:07 -- ashley.fisher

Below are email addresses and phone numbers to contact your school about enrollment-related questions. Phone calls may go straight to voicemail. Please leave a detailed voice message and your call will be returned.

School Name School Email Main School Phone
Amidon-Bowen ES [email protected] (202) 724-4867
Anacostia HS [email protected] (202) 698-2155
Ballou HS [email protected] (202) 645-3400
Ballou STAY [email protected] (202) 645-3390
Bancroft ES [email protected] (202) 673-7280
Bard High School Early College DC (Bard DC) [email protected] (202) 898-4664
Barnard ES [email protected] (202) 576-1100
Beers ES [email protected] (202) 939-4800
Benjamin Banneker HS [email protected] (202) 671-6320
Boone ES [email protected] (202) 671-6240
Brent ES [email protected] (202) 698-3363
Brightwood ES [email protected] (202) 722-5670
Brookland MS [email protected] (202) 759-1999
Browne EC [email protected] (202) 671-6210
Bruce-Monroe ES [email protected] (202) 576-6222
Bunker Hill ES [email protected] (202) 576-6095
Burroughs ES [email protected] (202) 576-6150
Burrville ES [email protected] (202) 671-6020
C.W. Harris ES [email protected] (202) 645-3188
Capitol Hill Montessori [email protected] (202) 698-4467
Cardozo EC [email protected] (202) 673-7385
Cleveland ES [email protected] (202) 939-4380
Columbia Heights EC [email protected] (202) 939-7700
Coolidge HS [email protected] (202) 671-6080
Deal MS [email protected] (202) 939-2010
Dorothy Height ES [email protected] (202) 723-4100
Drew ES [email protected] (202) 671-6040
Duke Ellington School of the Arts [email protected] (202) 282-0123
Dunbar HS [email protected] (202) 698-3762
Eastern HS [email protected] (202) 698-4500
Eaton ES [email protected] (202) 282-0103
Eliot-Hine MS [email protected] (202) 939-5380
Excel Academy [email protected] (202) 373-0097
Garfield ES [email protected] (202) 671-6140
Garnet Patterson STAY (formerly Roosevelt STAY) [email protected] (202) 576-8399
Garrison ES [email protected] (202) 673-7263
H.D. Cooke ES [email protected] (202) 939-5390
Hardy MS [email protected] (202) 729-4350
Hart MS [email protected] (202) 671-6426
Hearst ES [email protected] (202) 282-0106
Hendley ES [email protected] (202) 645-3450
Houston ES [email protected] (202) 671-6170
Hyde-Addison ES [email protected] (202) 282-0170
Ida B. Wells MS [email protected] (202) 671-0693
J.O. Wilson ES [email protected] (202) 698-4733
Jackson-Reed HS (formerly Wilson HS) [email protected] (202) 282-0120
Janney ES [email protected] (202) 282-0110
Jefferson MS [email protected] (202) 729-3270
John Francis EC (formerly School Without Walls FS @ Francis-Stevens) [email protected] (202) 724-4841
John Lewis ES [email protected] (202) 576-6226
Johnson MS [email protected] (202) 939-3140
Kelly Miller MS [email protected] (202) 388-6870
Ketcham ES [email protected] (202) 698-1122
Key ES [email protected] (202) 729-3280
Kimball ES [email protected] (202) 671-6260
King ES [email protected] (202) 939-4900
Kramer MS [email protected] (202) 939-3150
Lafayette ES [email protected] (202) 282-0116
Langdon ES [email protected] (202) 576-6048
Langley ES [email protected] (202) 724-4223
LaSalle-Backus ES [email protected] (202) 671-6340
Leckie EC [email protected] (202) 645-3330
Lorraine H. Whitlock ES (formerly Aiton ES) [email protected] (202) 671-6060
Ludlow-Taylor ES [email protected] (202) 698-3244
Luke C. Moore [email protected] (202) 281-3600
MacArthur HS [email protected] (202) 299-5506
MacFarland MS [email protected] (202) 671-6033
Malcolm X ES [email protected] (202) 645-3409
Mann ES [email protected] (202) 282-0126
Marie Reed ES [email protected] (202) 673-7308
Maury ES [email protected] (202) 698-3838
Military Road ELC [email protected] (202) 671-6410
McKinley MS [email protected] (202) 281-3950
McKinley Technology HS [email protected] (202) 281-3950
Miner ES [email protected] (202) 397-3960
Moten ES [email protected] (202) 698-1111
Murch ES [email protected] (202) 282-0130
Nalle ES [email protected] (202) 671-6280
Non-Public [email protected]  
Noyes ES [email protected] (202) 281-2580
Oyster-Adams EC [email protected] (202) 671-6130
Patterson ES [email protected] (202) 939-5280
Payne ES [email protected] (202) 698-3262
Peabody ES [email protected] (202) 698-3277
Phelps ACE HS [email protected] (202) 729-4360
Plummer ES [email protected] (202) 939-4360
Powell ES [email protected] (202) 671-6270
Private School  [email protected]  
Randle Highlands ES [email protected] (202) 729-3250
Raymond ES [email protected] (202) 576-6236
River Terrace EC [email protected] (202) 442-7111
Ron Brown Collegiate Preparatory HS [email protected] (202) 729-4343
Roosevelt HS [email protected] (202) 576-6130
Roosevelt STAY [email protected] (202) 576-8399
Ross ES [email protected] (202) 673-7200
Savoy ES [email protected] (202) 939-2000
School Within School @ Goding [email protected] (202) 727-7377
School Without Walls HS [email protected] (202) 645-9690
Seaton ES [email protected] (202) 673-7215
Shepherd ES [email protected] (202) 576-6140
Shirley Chisholm ES (formerly Tyler ES) [email protected] (202) 939-4810
Simon ES [email protected] (202) 645-3360
Smothers ES [email protected] (202) 939-3600
Sousa MS [email protected] (202) 729-3260
Stanton ES [email protected] (202) 671-6180
Stevens ELC [email protected] (202) 698-0677
Stoddert ES [email protected] (202) 671-6030
Stuart-Hobson MS [email protected] (202) 671-6010
Takoma ES [email protected] (202) 671-6050
Thomas ES [email protected] (202) 724-4593
Thomson ES [email protected] (202) 898-4660
Truesdell ES [email protected] (202) 576-6202
Tubman ES [email protected] (202) 673-7285
Turner ES [email protected] (202) 645-3470
Van Ness ES [email protected] (202) 727-4314
Walker-Jones EC [email protected] (202) 939-5934
Watkins ES [email protected] (202) 698-3355
Wheatley EC [email protected] (202) 939-5970
Whittier ES [email protected] (202) 576-6156
Woodson HS [email protected] (202) 939-2030