
Learn About DCPS Schools

Mon, 09/25/2017 - 15:41 -- emerald.becker
Group of students

Learn About DCPS Schools

DCPS Feeder Patterns
The DCPS Feeder Pattern Booklet booklet defines the PK-12th grade options, pathways, and programs that DCPS offers students and families.

DCPS Middle Schools
Learn about all your amazing DCPS middle school options.

DCPS High Schools
Learn about all your amazing DCPS high school options.

Dual Language
Learn about what is dual language education, where dual language programs are offered, how to enroll, and more.

Preschool and Prekindergarten
DCPS offers seats for 3-year-old children in PK3 and seats for 4-year-old children in PK4. Learn about PK3 and PK4 at DCPS including how to guarantee your PK seat with the below SY25-26 Infant Toddler Centers and SY25-26 Early Action Schools:

SY25-26 DCPS Infant Toddler Centers

  1. Bunker Hill Elementary School
  2. CW Harris Elementary School
  3. Ketcham Elementary School
  4. Malcolm X Elementary School
  5. Marie Reed Elementary School
  6. Randle Hiighlands Elementary School
  7. Thaddeus Stevens Early Learning Center

SY25-26 DCPS Early Action Schools

  1. Browne Education Campus
  2. Bunker Hill Elementary School
  3. Burroughs Elementary School
  4. Drew Elementary School
  5. King Elementary School
  6. Langley Elementary School
  7. Miner Elementary School
  8. Moten Elementary School
  9. Noyes Elementary School
  10. Stanton Elementary School
  11. Takoma Elementary School
  12. Thomson Elementary School
  13. Truesdell Elementary School
  14. Turner Elementary School
  15. Wheatley Education Campus
  16. Whitlock Elementary school